Monday, February 4, 2008

Useful Resources

I'll slowly add to the Useful Resources list on the right over the next few days, but the following are pretty good places to bookmark as a start.

NH3 Info - Air Liquide has an excellent page with all the basic Anhydrous Ammonia properties you will likely ever need.

Refrigeration Engineers NH3 forum - A good place to start for newcomers to ammonia equipment troubleshooting.

Refrigeration Engineers and Technicians Association (RETA) - If you have the opportunity to join your local RETA chapter, I would highly recommend it. They also have a fairly decent online training program for your maintenance personnel.

OSHA's PSM - Occupational Safety and Health Administration's PSM guidance

EPA's RMP - Environmental Protection Agency's RMP guidance.

DHS CSAT - Department of Homeland Security's Chemical Security Anti-Terrorism Standard guidance.

1 comment:

myblogger said...

Good piece of blog